
Happy Birthday, Robbie!

Today, I turned 33.  The most significant event I can think of that happened when a person was 33, was that Jesus died.  Of course, He also rose and established His Kingdom, but after you rise from the dead I would think age counting is a lost cause.  Even so, it has seemed that I have entered a new phase.  I seem to have fewer and different relationships outside of my family. It seems that I have also realized that family is the one thing that is the most reliable and the most important thing. Growing up, my mom always said that blood was thicker than water, and it seems to be that way.  I have grown to treasure and understand that “in the moment” friends are truly friends “in the moment”.  However, when the moment changes, there remains little to sustain the relationship and drifting inevitability follows.  Though no one wishes it, it does happen.  It does not mean that dislike nor discord has occur, simply the moment and shared experiences are just fewer and fewer.  But, as each phase ends another phase begins and in that phase sits new relationships and acquaintances awaiting for us to draw upon new experiences and shared memories with those new in our lives. But, in time, I am sure even some of those new in our lives will move on and we’ll be left with “Remember when…” as the only common bond.

You see, many of the close friends I had in my early 20’s are now busy with raising families, moved away due to a different job or calling, or simply the experiences we shared regularly are now much different. That is not a bad thing, as I am both the victim and culprit of such happens.  You see, I got married, I am now starting a family with another little one on the way.  My family and their welfare and happiness are really the most important thing to me.  I realize that I don’t find myself rushing to Facebook to catch up on the latest status update from a friend. Nor, will you find me waiting for the weekend to go “hang” with friends.  My wife waits for the weekend so I can help her with Jonathan.  I wait for the weekend so I can spend a whole day with my family.  The rest is simply just bonuses if they happen.

I am reminded of the bible verse that says, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.”  The same could be said of family.  We have recently been attending 12 Stone and they have been doing a series on the Tin Man (from the Wizard of Oz).  If you don’t know the story, basically the Tin Man becomes a Tin Man because he went out to build a home for the woman he loved and ended up getting caught up in his work and eventually his work caused him to replace his heart with tin.  He ended up without the woman he loved and he rusted in the wilderness.

I have come to the full persuasion that the experiences I share with my family, the memories we make together, the events our eyes and cameras capture are forever important because the moments flash by so quickly.

Maybe this is what happens in your 30’s.  You realize many of the unmet ambitions of your 20’s were to lead you to this point where you realize that family is the most important thing in life and that blood truly is thicker than water.  Just so you don’t misunderstand me, friendship and acquaintances are awesome and needed.  You have to embrace and enjoy “all” those around you, but when you need help or are in trouble, you realize there is no one there for you like family.  Agree?

Speaking of family, as I worked on my birthday, my dear wife and son gave me the most precious gift … a homemade card, some homemade cupcakes, and the joy of their company!

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